What are human ancestors?
What are human ancestors? Human ancestors are the species and populations that lived in the past and are part of the evolutionary lineage leading to modern humans (Homo sapiens). These…
What are human ancestors? Human ancestors are the species and populations that lived in the past and are part of the evolutionary lineage leading to modern humans (Homo sapiens). These…
What are multilingual education theories?(5) 17. Multiliteracies Framework Key Idea: Literacy extends beyond traditional reading and writing to include digital, visual, and cultural literacies across languages. Implications: Teach literacy in…
What are multilingual education theories?(4) 13. Additive Multilingualism Key Idea: Additional languages should be acquired without sacrificing proficiency or fluency in the first language(s). Implications: Prioritize the maintenance and development…
What are multilingual education theories?(3) 9. Continuum of Biliteracy (Hornberger) Key Idea: Multilingual education operates across a spectrum of proficiency levels, linguistic contexts, and literacy practices. Implications: Recognize that learners…
What are multilingual education theories?(2) 5. Holistic Multilingualism Key Idea: Learners’ multiple languages form an integrated system, and skills in one language can support development in others. Implications: Promote cross-linguistic…
What are multilingual education theories?(1) Multilingual education theories build upon bilingual education theories while addressing the complexities of teaching and learning multiple languages in educational contexts. These theories emphasize linguistic…
What are bilingual education theories?(5) 13. Functional Bilingualism Key Idea: Focuses on the practical use of languages in specific contexts (e.g., workplace, home, school). Implications: Tailor programs to develop language…
What are bilingual education theories?(4) 10. The Critical Period Hypothesis in Bilingual Education Key Idea: Younger learners may acquire native-like pronunciation more easily, but older learners can still develop high…
What are bilingual education theories?(3) 7. Sociocultural Theories Key Idea: Social interaction, culture, and community are central to language learning and bilingual education. Implications: Programs should recognize and value students'…
What are bilingual education theories?(2) 4. Additive vs. Subtractive Bilingualism Key Idea: Additive Bilingualism: Learning a second language (L2) while maintaining and developing the first language (L1). This leads to…
What are bilingual education theories?(1) Bilingual education theories explore how students learn two (or more) languages and how teaching strategies can best support this process. These theories often address cognitive,…
What are language acquisition theories?(5) 5. Affective and Motivational Theories a. Affective Filter Hypothesis (Krashen) See above. b. Motivation (Gardner, Dornyei) Key Idea: Motivation (both intrinsic and extrinsic) plays a…
What are language acquisition theories?(4) 4. Input and Interaction Theories a. Comprehensible Input (Krashen) See Monitor Model above. b. Interaction Hypothesis (Long) Key Idea: Interaction and negotiation of meaning in…
What are language acquisition theories?(3) 3. Cognitive Theories a. Information Processing Model Key Idea: Language learning is similar to other cognitive skills, involving attention, memory, and practice. Implications: Focus on…
What are language acquisition theories?(2) 2. Second Language Acquisition (SLA) Theories a. Interlanguage Development (Selinker) Key Idea: L2 learners create a dynamic linguistic system (interlanguage) that combines elements of their…
What are language acquisition theories?(1) Language acquisition is a rich and diverse field of study. Below are additional theories and concepts about how people acquire language, including first language (L1)…
What are language pedagogical theories?(5) 17. Task-Based Language Teaching (TBLT) Key Idea: Language is best learned through performing communicative tasks. Pedagogical Application: Designing real-life, meaningful tasks (e.g., planning a trip,…
What are language pedagogical theories?(4) 13. Ecological Approaches Key Idea: Language learning is embedded in the learner’s interaction with their social and physical environment. Pedagogical Application: Emphasizing authentic, real-world contexts.…
What are language pedagogical theories?(3) 9. Multiple Intelligences Theory (Gardner) Key Idea: Learners have different types of intelligences (e.g., linguistic, spatial, musical) that influence how they learn best. Pedagogical Application:…
What are language pedagogical theories?(2) 5. Interactionist Theory Key Idea: Interaction between speakers (e.g., negotiation of meaning) is crucial for language development. Pedagogical Application: Task-based Language Teaching (TBLT): Learners work…