
Finnish: Sisu (n) perseverance, grit. Sisu (Phonetic text) Example: “Sisu” is a Finnish word for the psychological strength that allows a person to overcome extraordinary challenges. “Sisu” is similar to…

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Swedish: Fika (v) chat over a coffee; fika (phonetic text) Example: More and more people are happy to fika whenever they get a chance. Is it only the Swedes who…

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La Niña

Spanish: La Niña  (noun) weather pattern, literally “the little girl” in Spanish. la-ninya (phonetic text) Example: La-ninya is the opposite phase of the El Niño Southern Oscillation and is associated…

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El Niño

Spanish: El Niño (noun) weather pattern, literally “the little boy” or “Holy boy” in Spanish. El-ninyo (phonetic text)   Example: El-ninyo is an irregularly occurring and complex series of climatic changes…

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Li-chun (noun) 立春 (Chinese) Beginning of Spring (1st solar term), literally in Chinese “Li” 立 = stand, “Chun” 春 = Spring.  Example: In the ancient Chinese calendar also known as…

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football (noun) ⚽️   Afrikaans: sokker Albanian: futboll  Arabic: kurat alqadam = كرة القدم Bengali: Phuṭabala = ফুটবল Bulgarian: futbol  Cebuano: football Chichewa: mpira Chinese: zu-chiu = 足球  literally zu…

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come (I.V)   Afrikaans:   kom Arabic: yati =  يأتي Bengali:  Āsā = আসা Cebuano: umari Chichewa: bwerani Chinese: lai = 来 Danish: komme Dutch: komen Esperanto: venu Estonian:  tule…

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book (noun) 📚   Afrikaans: boek Arabic: alkitab = الكتاب Bengali: Ba'i = বই Cebuano: libro Chichewa: buku Chinese: shu = 书  Danish: Bestil Dutch: boek Esperanto: libro Estonian:  raamat…

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zero (noun) 0   Afrikaans:   nul Arabic: sifr  =  صفر Bengali:  Śūn'ya = শূন্য Cebuano: sero Chichewa: ziro Chinese: ling = 零 Danish: nul Dutch: nul Esperanto: nulo Estonian: …

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shirt (noun) 👔   Afrikaans:  hemp Arabic:qamis =  قميص Bengali: Śārṭa = শার্ট Cebuano: kamiseta Chichewa: malaya Chinese: chenshan = 衬衫 Danish: skjorte Dutch: shirt Esperanto: ĉemizo Estonian:  särk Filipino:…

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blue (noun) 🔵   Afrikaans: blou Arabic: 'azraq = أزرق Bengali: Nīla = নীল Cebuano: asul Chichewa: buluu Chinese: Lán sè = 蓝色 Danish: blå Dutch: blauw Esperanto: blua Estonian: …

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salt (noun) 🧂   Afrikaans: sout  Arabic: milh = ملح Bengali: Labaṇa = লবণ  Cebuano: asin Chinese: yan =  盐  Chichewa: mchere Danish: salt Dutch: zout  Esperanto: salo Estonian: sool  …

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dog (noun)

Dog (noun)    Afrikaans:  hond Arabic: kalb =  كلب Bengali: Kukura = কুকুর Cebuano: iro Chichewa: galu Chinese: Gǒu = 狗 Danish: hund Dutch: hond Esperanto: hundo Estonian:  koer Filipino:…

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cat (noun)

Cat (noun)    Afrikaans:  kat Arabic: qat =  قط Bengali: Biṛāla = বিড়াল Cebuano: iring Chichewa: mphaka Chinese: mao = 猫 Danish: kat Dutch: kat Esperanto: kato Estonian:  kass Filipino:…

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melon (noun) 🍈   Afrikaans: spanspek Arabic:   shamam = شمام Bengali: Taramuja = তরমুজ Cebuano: melon Chichewa: Vwende Chinese: gua = 瓜 Danish: melon Dutch: meloen Esperanto: melono Estonian: …

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