Zwei Dumme, ein Gedanke
German idiom: Zwei-Dumme, ein-Gedanke = Zwei Dumme, ein Gedanke: great minds think alike, literally in German “two dumb people, one thought.” Example: Zwei-Dumme, ein-Gedanke is actually “great minds think alike,…
German idiom: Zwei-Dumme, ein-Gedanke = Zwei Dumme, ein Gedanke: great minds think alike, literally in German “two dumb people, one thought.” Example: Zwei-Dumme, ein-Gedanke is actually “great minds think alike,…
German idiom: Das-ist-mir-Wurst = Das ist mir Wurst: I don't care / It doesn't matter to me. Literally in German “This is sausage to me.” Example: “Leave me alone, Das-ist-mir-Wurst.”…
Chinese idiom: shí-quán shí-měi 十全十美 Literal translation: Ten, entirety, ten, beauty. This idiom is used to describe something that is flawless and perfect. You can also use it to describe…
Chinese idiom: jiu-niú yī-máo 九牛一毛 Literal translation: Nine cows, one strand of cow hair. This idiom is used to refer to something very small that you wouldn’t notice. It’s very…
Chinese idiom: bā-miàn líng-óng = 八面玲珑 Literal translation: Eight sides, exquisite/delicate. This one is a bit more complex because its meaning has shifted over time. Originally, it was used to…
Chinese idiom: qī zuǐ bā shé = 七嘴八舌; confusion of disarray. Literally, qi-zui 七嘴 = seven mouths, ba-she 八舌 = eight tongues. Example: In a heated discussion, everyone is qi-zui…
Chinese idiom: wu-yan liu-se = 五顏六色;colorful, various colors. Literally, wu-yan 五顏 = five colors, liu-se 六色 = six colors. Example: rainbows are wu-yan liu-se.
Chinese idiom: si-mian ba-fang = 四面八方; from all around, from far and near, or in all directions. Literally, si-mian 四面 = four sides, ba-fang 八方 = eight directions. Example: They…
Chinese idiom: san-xin er-yi = 三心二意; half-hearted, being of two minds, or being hesitant. Literally, san-xin 三心 = three hearts, er-yi 二意 = two minds. Example: She is always…
Chinese idiom: er-hua bu-shui = 二話不說; to act quickly without saying another word. Literally, er-hua 二話 = second word, bu-shuo 不說 = not said. Example: er-hua bu-shui, he acted without…
Chinese idiom: yi-luo qian-zhang = 一落千丈; One mistake or fault can result in disastrous consequences. Literally yi-luo 一落 = one fall, qian-zhang 千丈 = a thousand feet. Example: He made…
parsley (noun) Afrikaans: pietersielie Arabic: biqadunis = بقدونس Bengali: Pārsalē = পার্সলে Cebuano: perehil Chichewa: parsley Chinese: xiangcai = 香菜 literally xiang 香 = fragrant, cai 菜 = vegetable…
Pumpkin (noun) 🎃 Afrikaans: pampoen Arabic: yaqtin = يقطين Bengali: Kumaṛā = কুমড়া Cebuano: kalabasa Chichewa: dzungu Chinese: nan-gua = 南瓜 literally nan 南 = south, gua 瓜 =…
spinach (noun) Afrikaans: spinasie Arabic: sbankh = سبانخ Bengali: Pālaṁ śāka = পালং শাক Cebuano: spinach Chichewa: sipinachi Chinese: bocai = 菠菜 literally bo 菠 = from Persia, cai…
chestnut (noun) 🌰 Afrikaans: kastaiingbruin Arabic: kastina' = كستناء Bengali: Bukē = বুকে Cebuano: chestnut Chichewa: mgoza Chinese: banli = 板栗 literally banli 板栗 = chestnut Danish: kastanje Dutch:…
Peanut (noun) 🥜 Afrikaans: grondboontjiebotter Arabic: alfwl alsuwdaniu = الفول السوداني Bengali: Cinābādāma = চিনাবাদাম Cebuano: mani Chichewa: chiponde Chinese: hua-sheng = 花生 literally hua 花 = flower, sheng…
potato (noun) 🥔 Afrikaans: aartappel Arabic: albatatis = البطاطس Bengali: Ālu = আলু Cebuano: patatas Chichewa: mbatata Chinese: tudou = 土豆 literally tu 土 = soil, dou 豆 =…
radish (noun) Afrikaans: radyse Arabic: alfajal = الفجل Bengali: Mūlā = মূলা Cebuano: labanos Chichewa: radish Chinese: luobo = 萝卜 literally luobo 萝卜 = radish Danish: radise = hadi’Se…
carrot (noun) 🥕 Afrikaans: wortel Arabic: jazra = جزرة Bengali: Gājara = গাজর Cebuano: karot Chichewa: karoti Chinese: hu-luobo = 胡萝卜 literally hu 胡 = foreign, luobo 萝卜 = …
Corn (noun) 🌽 Afrikaans: mielies Arabic: hubub dharatan = حبوب ذرة Bengali: Bhuṭṭā = ভুট্টা Cebuano: mais Chichewa: chimanga Chinese: yumi = 玉米 literally yu 玉 = jade, mi…