International Phonetic Text (IPT)
The International Phonetic Text, also known as International Phonetic Transcription, (IPT) is a system based on 26 Latin/Roman alphabet letters with various letter combinations to make commonly accepted speech sounds and spellings of human languages. It will also adapt to irregular pronunciations and spellings in some specific languages. It transcribes not only the pronunciation of speech sounds but also the writing forms in many languages, It is also known as “natural literacy” the natural way of reading and writing for all languages.
The purpose of IPT is to let people pronounce the speech sound as closely as the native language and spell the transcription as simply as possible. The present version of IPT needs updating as often as possible and we provide multiple language examples available to be checked and improved. Native speakers and linguists can compare your language and contribute your expertise to update and expand the system. Every transcription and audio post of different languages is appreciated and credited to our IPT database. The functionality of IPT is designed to present language learners with a readable text of words, phrases, sentences, paragraphs, and articles of languages. With the IPT system, you do not need to learn and memorize the rules, or symbols of a speech sound. It is different from the “International Phonetic Alphabet” (IPA). The International Phonetic Text (IPT), is a keyboard-friendly system with fewer symbols and diacritics for languages using only symbols on the keyboard. IPT is a flexible and intuitive system. It is also a system to save endangered languages by recording transcriptions and audio/video of the language. Most importantly IPT system is designed to make a universal language on Earth to communicate with extraterrestrials from interstellar in the future.
The International Phonetic Text (IPT) is a transcription system based on 26 Latin/Roman alphabet letters with various letter combinations to make commonly accepted speech sounds and spellings of human languages. It will also adapt to irregular pronunciations and spellings in some specific languages. It transcribes not only the pronunciation of speech sounds but also the writing forms in many languages, It is also known as “natural literacy” the natural way of reading and writing for all languages.
- Use all keys on the keyboard when necessary
- Add Stress mark ( ‘ ) before a syllable (vowel and consonant) when necessary
- Divide syllables by (-) when necessary
- Indicate silent letters with brackets () when necessary
- Use mainly lowercase alphabetic letters, (unless the different sound of the uppercase)
- Use equal sign (=) for the same words and meaning
- Show the origin word if it is not an alphabetic language word
- Use upper case alphabetic letters at the beginning of the sentence and the special nouns and pronouns
- Letter at the beginning: letter ..
- Letter in the middle: ..letter..
- Letter at the end: .. letter
- Letter at the end of the single-syllable word: ..letter
- Use a question mark (?) for uncertainty words needed for verification
We sincerely hope the IPT will help you to learn and acquire languages easily and helpfully.