What are language acquisition theories?(3)

What Are Language Acquisition Theories? (3)

3. Cognitive Theories

a. Information Processing Model

Key Idea: Language learning works like other cognitive skills, relying on attention, memory, and practice.
Implications: Learners develop automaticity—using language effortlessly—through repeated practice and meaningful exposure.

b. Noticing Hypothesis (Schmidt)

Key Idea: Learners must actively notice linguistic features in input to acquire them.
Implications: Teaching should highlight specific grammar rules, vocabulary, or pronunciation patterns to enhance awareness.

c. Transfer Theory

Key Idea: Learners apply knowledge from their first language (L1) when learning a second language (L2). This transfer can help or hinder progress.
Implications: Teachers should recognize both positive and negative language transfers to support effective learning.


Language acquisition is a complex process that involves both biological and environmental factors. Theories such as Nativism, Social Interactionism, Connectionism, and Emergentism each offer unique perspectives on how people acquire their first language. While the Nativist approach highlights innate abilities, the Social Interactionist theory emphasizes the role of communication. Meanwhile, Connectionism focuses on repeated exposure, and the Emergentist theory blends multiple influences. By understanding these perspectives, linguists, educators, and researchers can develop more effective language teaching methods.

In the next part, we will explore additional theories on  language acquisition. Stay tuned! (more…)

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