Endangered Languages of Northwest China

Endangered Languages of Northwest China

Northwest China, covering Gansu, Qinghai, and Xinjiang, is home to several endangered languages spoken by ethnic minorities. Many of these languages face decline due to Mandarin Chinese’s dominance and cultural assimilation. However, they remain crucial to preserving unique histories, traditions, and identities. Below, we explore endangered languages in this region, their current status, and preservation efforts.

1. Salar (Turkic language)

  • Speakers: ~100,000
  • Region: Qinghai, Gansu
  • Status: Vulnerable—Salar youth increasingly speak Mandarin instead.
  • Preservation Efforts: Salar communities advocate for bilingual education, and researchers document the language.

2. Western Yugur (Mongolic language)

  • Speakers: ~4,600
  • Region: Gansu
  • Status: Severely endangered—Children no longer learn it at home.
  • Preservation Efforts: Local linguistic projects work on revitalization through digital media and educational programs.

3. Dongxiang (Mongolic language)

  • Speakers: ~200,000
  • Region: Gansu
  • Status: Vulnerable—Though spoken by many, Mandarin influence grows among younger generations.
  • Preservation Efforts: Some schools include Dongxiang in their curriculum, and scholars study its grammar and vocabulary.

4. Lop Nur Uighur (Turkic language)

  • Speakers: Fewer than 500
  • Region: Xinjiang
  • Status: Critically endangered—The language is nearly extinct, with only a few elderly speakers.
  • Preservation Efforts: Limited documentation exists, but linguistic research aims to record what remains.

5. Kangjia (Mixed Sino-Tibetan and Mongolic language)

  • Speakers: ~300
  • Region: Qinghai
  • Status: Critically endangered—Few people can still speak it.
  • Preservation Efforts: Some linguists have recorded Kangjia, but revitalization efforts are minimal.


Northwest China’s endangered languages reflect the region’s diverse ethnic history. Unfortunately, urbanization, migration, and government policies accelerate language shift. Despite these challenges, community efforts and academic research help document and preserve these languages. Supporting these efforts ensures linguistic diversity remains part of China’s cultural heritage. Northwest China, covering Gansu, Qinghai, and Xinjiang, is home to several endangered languages spoken by ethnic minorities.

See examples of common sentences  in other post


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