What are language acquisition theories?(2)

What Are Language Acquisition Theories? (2)

2. Second Language Acquisition (SLA) Theories

a. Interlanguage Development (Selinker)

Key Idea: L2 learners develop an evolving linguistic system called interlanguage, which blends elements of their first language (L1) and the target language.
Implications: Instead of viewing errors as failures, researchers see them as natural steps in the learning process.

b. Monitor Model (Krashen)

Five Hypotheses:

  • Acquisition-Learning Hypothesis: Subconscious acquisition is more effective than conscious learning.
  • Natural Order Hypothesis: Learners acquire language structures in a predictable sequence.
  • Monitor Hypothesis: Conscious knowledge helps refine and edit language output.
  • Input Hypothesis: Exposure to comprehensible input (i+1) is essential for acquisition.
  • Affective Filter Hypothesis: Motivation and low anxiety levels enhance language learning, while negative emotions can create barriers.

c. Output Hypothesis (Swain)

Key Idea: Speaking and writing push learners to process language more deeply.
Implications: Activities that require language production, such as discussions and presentations, strengthen learning.

d. Sociocultural Theory (Vygotsky)

Key Idea: Social interaction plays a crucial role in second language learning.
Implications: Peer collaboration, interactive tasks, and guided support (scaffolding) enhance language development.

e. Processability Theory (Pienemann)

Key Idea: Learners acquire grammar structures in a fixed sequence based on their cognitive processing ability.
Implications: Teachers should introduce grammar in stages that match learners’ development levels.


Language acquisition is a complex process that involves both biological and environmental factors. Theories such as Nativism, Social Interactionism, Connectionism, and Emergentism each offer unique perspectives on how people acquire their first language. While the Nativist approach highlights innate abilities, the Social Interactionist theory emphasizes the role of communication. Meanwhile, Connectionism focuses on repeated exposure, and the Emergentist theory blends multiple influences. By understanding these perspectives, linguists, educators, and researchers can develop more effective language teaching methods.

In the next part, we will explore additional theories on  language acquisition. Stay tuned!

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