What are language pedagogical theories?(2)
5. Interactionist Theory
- Key Idea: Interaction between speakers (e.g., negotiation of meaning) is crucial for language development.
- Pedagogical Application:
- Task-based Language Teaching (TBLT): Learners work on tasks that require meaningful communication.
- Emphasis on feedback and modification of language output.
6. Krashen’s Input Hypothesis
- Key Idea: Language is acquired through comprehensible input that is slightly above the learner’s current level (“i+1”).
- Pedagogical Application:
- Focus on exposure to understandable language in a low-stress environment.
- De-emphasizes grammar instruction in favor of natural language acquisition.
7. Universal Grammar (UG)
- Key Idea: All humans have an innate capacity for language learning based on shared principles of grammar.
- Pedagogical Application:
- Encourages teachers to focus on activating innate abilities rather than explicit rule teaching.
8. Emergentism
- Key Idea: Language learning emerges from the interaction of the brain’s general cognitive processes and the environment.
- Pedagogical Application:
- Exposure to varied language input.
- Encourages pattern recognition through extensive reading and listening.
(To be continued)