What hypotheses predict future human evolution?(8)

What hypotheses predict future human evolution?(8)

Several hypotheses and theories attempt to predict the future course of human evolution, considering both biological and technological factors. While these predictions are speculative, they offer intriguing possibilities about how humans might continue to adapt and evolve.

8. Evolutionary Harmony  Love and peace

  • Hypothesis: As awareness of global identity increases, human violence and conflict may decrease. ​
  • Details: With equivalent, globally advanced technology, humans may not compete for power and may tackle outer space together.  Humans may evolve to be friendlier than before, just as there may be more dogs than wolves in the world.


These hypotheses range from biological adaptations to significant technological or cultural changes, reflecting how the future of human evolution might differ from the past. Technological advancements, in particular, are expected to play a significant role in shaping the direction of human development.

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