What is the Big Bang theory?

What is the Big Bang theory?

The Big Bang theory is the prevailing cosmological model that explains the nature of the universe. It suggests that the universe began as an extremely hot and dense singularity around 13.8 billion years ago. Then, it rapidly expanded and continues to expand, giving rise to the universe we observe today. This theory is supported by various lines of evidence, including cosmic microwave background radiation and the observed distribution of galaxies in the universe.

The Big Bang theory posits that the universe originated from a singular point of infinite density and temperature. then rapidly expanded and continues to expand. Astronomers believe the Big Bang expanded, with unimaginable force, its matter and propelled it outward to make billions of galaxies and planets in the universe. our earth was one of the planets. The main point of this theory is that the universe has undergone significant key stages such as nucleosynthesis and the formation of structures like galaxies and stars as well as the stages from hot to cold and dense to sparse.

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