What is the displacement of fundamental properties of languages?

What is the displacement of fundamental properties of languages?

Displacement is a fundamental property of human languages that refers to the ability to communicate about things that are not present in the immediate physical environment. This includes discussing past events, future plans, hypothetical situations, and abstract concepts. Displacement allows speakers to go beyond the here and now, which is a capability that distinguishes human language from most forms of animal communication.

Key Points

Temporal Displacement:

Past Events: Language allows us to talk about things that happened in the past. For example, “Yesterday, I went to the market.”

Future Events: Language enables us to discuss future actions or plans. For instance, “Tomorrow, I will visit my friend.”

Spatial Displacement:

Distant Locations: We can describe places that are not immediately present. For example, “I have a friend who lives in Japan.”

Imaginary Places: We can talk about places that don’t exist, such as “Hogwarts” from the Harry Potter series.

Abstract and Hypothetical Concepts:

Hypotheticals: Language allows for discussions about hypothetical situations, like “If I were a millionaire, I would travel the world.”

Abstract Ideas: We can talk about concepts like love, freedom, democracy, and justice, which are not tangible.

Cultural Transmission:

Displacement supports the transmission of culture, knowledge, and history from one generation to another through stories, written records, and oral traditions.

Examples of Displacement


Temporal Displacement:

Past: “I studied French in high school.”

Future: “Next year, I plan to travel to Europe.”

Spatial Displacement:

Distant: “The Great Wall of China is one of the wonders of the world.”

Imaginary: “In Middle-earth, hobbits live in the Shire.”

Abstract and Hypothetical:

Hypothetical: “If it rains tomorrow, we will cancel the picnic.”

Abstract: “Justice is essential for a harmonious society.”


Temporal Displacement:

Past: 昨天我去逛街了。(zuo-tian wo chu guang-jie le. “Yesterday, I went shopping.”

Future:  明天我要去见一个朋友。(ming-tian, wo yao jian yi-ge pengyou.) “Tomorrow, I will meet a friend.”

Spatial Displacement:

Distant: 我有一个朋友住在加拿大。 (wo you yi-ge pengyou zhu zai Jianada.) “I have a friend who lives in Canada.”

Imaginary: 龙是传说中的生物。(long shi chuan-shuo zhong de shengwu.) “Dragons are mythical creatures.”

Abstract and Hypothetical:

Hypothetical: 如果我有时间,我会学弹钢琴。(ruguo wo you shijian, wo hui xue tan gonging.) “If I have time, I will learn to play the piano.”

Abstract: 爱是世界上最重要的东西。(ai shi shijie shang zui zhongyao de dongxi.) Love is the most important thing in the world.”


Displacement is a key property that enables human languages to be highly expressive and versatile. It allows for communication about events and objects that are not physically present, facilitating complex social interactions, planning, storytelling, and the sharing of abstract concepts and knowledge. This capability is a defining feature that sets human language apart from most animal communication systems.

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